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(626) 964-2628

About Us

Prizm Imaging has been providing quality printing and graphic related services to the business community since 1994.

Our experienced & friendly staff, attention to details, well-designed workflow, state-of-the-art facility & integrated operating system, and commitments to customer satisfaction will ensure you quality, consistent, reliable, and on time graphics and imaging services.

Professional graphic services such as graphic design, digital large-format printing, laminating, and mounting are some major categories of graphic services PriZm provides.

In addition to’s unsurpassed printing & online services, our IOS (Integrated Operating System), this entire website integrated with our internal network, as an indispensable management tool. The IOS can save you time and money by consolidating and streamlining your printing procurement, development, and brand content/digital asset management processes via our customer web portal.

We are constantly monitoring, evaluating and improving our products, services, and the entire printing procurement, development, and production process to ensure you quality, timely, consistent, and cost-effective graphic services.

- Team Prizm